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Student Page 1.5.4 Flexibility with Numbers: Four Numbers Problem

Use the same number exactly four times to write expressions equivalent to the numbers 0 through 20. You may use any of the mathematical symbols below. A few examples for the number 4 are provided. Choose the number you will use and tell your instructor. You may choose one of the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. (Note that you may not use the number 4.)

  • Arithmetic operations: \(+, -, \times, \div\)

  • Parentheses: ( )

  • Decimal points or percents: e.g. \(4.4\text{,}\) \(.44\text{,}\) 44%

  • Exponentiation: ^ (to the power of), e.g. \((4 + 4)^4\)

  • Square root: e.g. \(\sqrt{4}\)

  • Factorial: ! (\(4! = (4)(3)(2)(1) = 24\)

  • Concatenation: e.g. 44, 444

  • Repeating decimal: \(. \overline{4} = \frac{4}{9}\)


Complete the table writing solutions as expressions. Use the Order of Operations; include grouping symbols as needed. Check your responses using a calculator. Some examples for the number 4 are provided. Your group's number is .

Number Four Fours Equation Number Four Fours Equation
0 12
1 \(1 = \left(\frac{4}{4} \right) ^{44}\) 13
2 14
3 15 \(15 = \frac{44}{4} + 4\)
4 16
5 17
6 18
7 \(7 = 4 + 4 - \frac{4}{4}\) 19
8 20
9 24 \(24 = 4! \cdot \left(\frac{\sqrt{4} \times \sqrt{4}}{4} \right)\)
10 30
11 100


What strategies did you use to find solutions?


Find more than one solution for at least 3 of the numbers.


Which of your solutions are not dependent on the number you chose? Highlight these solutions in your table.