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Student Page 1.5.2 Organizing Your Work: Ways to Use 1, 2, or 3 Fours to Make Other Numbers

In mathematics, it is often helpful to create an organized list. Organizing Your Work: Ways to Use 1, 2, or 3 Fours to Make Other Numbers helps you organize expressions you have found using fewer than 4 fours.


As you worked on the Four Fours Problem, you likely found many ways to combine fewer than 4 fours. Use this table to organize what you've found. Find other ways to combine 1, 2, or 3 fours to make other numbers. For each column, order the combinations you find least to greatest.

Using 1 Four Using 2 Fours Using 3 Fours


Combine some of the expressions you found in the table above to make numbers using four fours. How can this organized list help you find solutions for some of the numbers in Four Fours?


What is the smallest number greater than zero you can make using four fours? What strategies did you use to find this number?


What is the largest number you can make using four fours? What strategies did you use to find this number?

Share your solutions with your group. Verify each other's work. Get all possible answers on the board for the numbers 1 through 20, 24, 30, and 100. If there are any numbers for which solutions haven't been found, work on these together.

Once remaining questions about the Four Fours Problem are resolved, if time remains, work on Flexibility with Numbers: Four Numbers Problem in your small group.