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Section Summary

Important ideas that we discussed in this section include the following.
  • A topological space (X,Ο„) is connected if X cannot be written as the union of two disjoint, nonempty, open subsets. A subset A of a topological space topological space (X,Ο„) is connected if A is connected in the subspace topology.
  • A separation of a subset A of a topological space X is a pair of nonempty open subsets U and V of X such that
    Showing that a set has a separation can be a convenient way to show that the set is disconnected.
  • The connected subsets of R are the intervals and the single point sets.
  • A subspace C of a topological space X is a connected component of X if C is connected and there is no larger connected subspace of X that contains C.
  • One application of connectedness is the Intermediate Value Theorem that tells us that if A is a connected subset of a topological space X and if f:Aβ†’R is a continuous function, then for any a,b∈A and any y∈R between f(a) and f(b), there is a point x∈A such that f(x)=y.
  • A subset S of a connected topological space X is a cut set of X if the set Xβˆ–S is disconnected, while a point p in X is a cut point if Xβˆ–{p} is disconnected. The property of being a cut set or a cut point is a topological invariant, so we can sometimes use cut sets and cut points to show that topological spaces are not homeomorphic.