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Section Continuity and Closed Sets

Recall that we showed that a function f from a metric space (X,dX) to a metric space (Y,dY) is continuous if and only if fβˆ’1(O) is open for every open set O in Y. We might conjecture that a similar result holds for closed sets. Since closed sets are complements of open sets, to make this connection we will want to know how Xβˆ–fβˆ’1(B) is related to fβˆ’1(Yβˆ–B) for BβŠ‚Y.

Activity 10.4.

Let f be a function f from a metric space (X,dX) to a metric space (Y,dY), and let B be a subset of Y.


What is the relationship between Xβˆ–fβˆ’1(B) and fβˆ’1(Yβˆ–B)?
Now we can consider the issue of continuity and closed sets.

Activity 10.5.

Let f be a function from a metric space (X,dX) to a metric space (Y,dY).


Assume that f is continuous and that C is a closed set in Y. How does the result of Activity 10.4 tell us that fβˆ’1(C) is closed in X?


Now assume that fβˆ’1(C) is closed in X whenever C is closed in Y. How does the result of Activity 10.4 tell us that f is a continuous function?
The result of Activity 10.5 is summarized in the following theorem.