We have seen that we can make a set into a metric space with different metrics. For example, the spaces \((\R^2, d_E)\text{,}\)\((\R^2, d_T)\text{,}\)\((\R^2, d_M)\text{,}\) and \((\R^2, d)\) are all metric spaces, where \(d_E\) is the Euclidean metric, \(d_T\) the taxicab metric, \(d_M\) the max metric, and \(d\) the discrete metric. But are these metric spaces really “different” metric spaces? What do we mean by “different”?
We might consider two metric spaces \((X, d_X)\) and \((Y, d_Y)\) to be equivalent if we can find a bijection between the two sets \(X\) and \(Y\) that preserves the metric properties. That is, find a bijective function \(f : X \to Y\) such that \(d_X(a,b) = d_Y(f(a),
f(b))\) for all \(a,b \in X\text{.}\) In other words, \(f\) preserves distances.
Let \(X = ((0,1), d_X)\) and \(Y = ((0,2), d_Y)\text{,}\) with both \(d_X\) and \(d_Y\) the Euclidean metric. Is it possible to find a bijection \(f : X \to Y\) that preserves the metric properties? Explain.
Now let \(X = ((0,1), d_X)\) and \(Y = ((0,2), d_Y)\text{,}\) where \(d_X\) is defined by \(d_X(a,b) = 2 | a-b |\) and \(d_Y = d_E\text{.}\) You may assume that \(d_X\) is a metric. Is it possible to find a bijection \(f : X \to Y\) that preserves the metric properties? Explain.
If there is a bijection between metric spaces that preserves distances, we say that the metric spaces are metrically equivalent.
Two metric spaces \((X,d_X)\) and \((Y,d_Y)\) are metrically equivalent if there is a bijection \(f : X \to Y\) such that
Metric equivalence is a very strong type of equivalence — the existence of an isometry does not allow for much flexibility since distances must be preserved. From a topological perspective, we are only concerned about the open sets — there are no distances. The open unit ball in \((\R^2, d_E)\) and the open ball in \((\R^2, d_M)\) (where \(d_E\) is the Euclidean metric and \(d_M\) is the max metric) are not that different as we can see in Figure 14.7. If we don’t worry about preserving distances, we can stretch the open ball \(B_E = B((0,0),1)\) in \((\R^2, d_E)\) along the lines \(y=x\) and \(y=-x\) uniformly in a way to mold it onto the unit ball \(B_M = B((0,0),1)\) in \((\R^2, d_M)\text{.}\) The important thing is that this stretching will preserve the open sets. This is a much more forgiving type of equivalence and maintains the central idea of topology that we have discussed — what properties of a space are not altered by stretching and bending the space. This type of equivalence that allows us to manipulate a space without fundamentally changing the open sets is called topological equivalence.
Figure14.7.The open unit balls in \((\R^2, d_E)\) and \((\R^2, d_M)\text{.}\)