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Exercises Exercises


Determine, with proof, which of the following sets A is a neighborhood of a in the indicated metric space.


A={(x,y)∈R2∣x2+y2<1} in (R2,dE) with a=(0.5,0.5)


A is the x-axis in (R2,dT) with a=(0,0), where dT is the taxicab metric


A is the set of positive integers in (Q,d) and a=1, where Q is the set of all rational numbers in reduced form with metric d:Q×Q→R defined by
(The fact that d is a metric is the topic of Exercise 3.)


Let X={1,3,5} and define dX:XΓ—Xβ†’R by dX(x,y)=xyβˆ’1(mod8). That is, dX(x,y) is the remainder when xyβˆ’1 is divided by 8. That dX is a metric on X is examined in Exercise 2. Let (Y,dY) be a metric space. Is it possible to define a function f:Xβ†’Y that is not continuous? Explain.


If x=(x1,x2,…,xn), we let |x|=x12+x22+β‹―+xn2. For x=(x1,x2,…,xn) and y=(y1,y2,…yn), define dH:RnΓ—Rnβ†’R by
dH(x,y)={0 if x=y|x|+|y| otherwise .
The fact that dH is a metric is examined in Exercise 7. Let (X,dX)=(R2,dH) and let (Y,dY)=(R,dE). Define f:Xβ†’Y and g:Xβ†’Y by
f(x)={0 if x=(0,0)1 otherwise   and  g(x)={0 if |x|<11 otherwise .
One of f, g is continuous and the other is not. Determine which is which, with proof for each.


Recall from Chapter 3 that we can construct a finite metric space by starting with a finite set of points and making a graph with the points as vertices. We construct edges so that the graph is connected (that is, there is a path from any one vertex to any other) and give weights to the edges. We then define a metric d on S by letting d(x,y) be the length of a shortest path between vertices x and y in the graph. Consider the metric space (X,d) corresponding to the graph in Figure 7.7.
Figure 7.7. A graph to define a metric.


Determine all of the open balls B(a,Ξ΄) for every positive real number Ξ΄.



Let f:(R,dE)β†’(R,dE) be defined by f(x)=ax+b for some real numbers a and b with aβ‰ 0. Let p∈R and let r>0. Show that fβˆ’1(B(f(p),r)) contains an open ball centered at p. Conclude that every linear function from (R,dE) to (R,dE) is continuous.
By Exercise 5 we can assume a>0 to simplify the problem.


Let f:(R,dE)β†’(R,dE) be defined by f(x)=ax2+bx+c for some real numbers a, b, and c with aβ‰ 0. Let p∈R and let r>0. fβˆ’1(B(f(p),r)) contains an open ball centered at p. Conclude that every quadratic function from (R,dE) to (R,dE) is continuous.
Consider cases.


Let (X,d) be a metric space, and let A be a nonempty subset of X. Exercise 11 tells us that
for all b,c∈X. Define f:Xβ†’R by f(x)=d(x,A). Let b∈X. Given Ο΅>0, show that there is a neighborhood N of b such that x∈N implies f(x)∈B(f(b),Ο΅). Conclude that f is a continuous function. (Assume the metric on R is the Euclidean metric.)


Let a and b be distinct points of a metric space X. Prove that there are neighborhoods Na and Nb of a and b respectively such that Na∩Nb=βˆ….


Let (X,d) be a metric space and let a∈X. Prove each of the following.


If N is a neighborhood of a and NβŠ†M, then M is a neighborhood of a.


Let f:(R,dE)β†’(R,dE) be a continuous function. Show that if f(a)>0 for some a∈R, then there is a neighborhood N of a such that f(x)>0 for all x∈N.


Let (X,d) be a metric space where d is the discrete metric. Show that every subset of X is a neighborhood of each of its points.


For each of the following, answer true if the statement is always true. If the statement is only sometimes true or never true, answer false and provide a concrete example to illustrate that the statement is false. If a statement is true, explain why.


If N is a neighborhood of a point a in a metric space X, then any open ball contained in N is also a neighborhood of a.


If N is a neighborhood of a point a in a metric space X, then N is a neighborhood of each of its points.


If X and Y are metric spaces and f:X→Y is a continuous function, then f(N) is a neighborhood of f(a) in Y whenever N is a neighborhood of a in X.


If X and Y are metric spaces and f:Xβ†’Y is continuous at a∈X, and N is a neighborhood of f(a) in Y, then fβˆ’1(N) is a neighborhood of a in X.


If a is a point in a metric space X and if Ξ΄ is a positive real number, then the open ball B(a,Ξ΄) contains infinitely many points of X.


If N1, N2, …, Nk are neighborhoods of a point a in a metric space X for some positive integer k, then β‹‚i=1kNi is a neighborhood of a.


If NΞ± is a neighborhood of a point a in a metric space X for all Ξ± in some indexing set I, then β‹‚Ξ±βˆˆINΞ± is a neighborhood of a.